Sherriff Goslin Roofing Lansing: Providing the Best Roofing Experiences Since 1920
When it comes to protecting your investment, choosing a local roofing company that has stood the test of time should be your number one criteria. Our commitment to employing the best, most experienced managers and employees in the business means you can be confident with Sherriff Goslin Roofing Lansing you’ll be receiving the best roofing service in Lansing.
Meet Our Core Team Members:

Ed Hieftje, Manager
(517) 881-1206
If you’ve been around construction in Lansing you probably know someone named Ed Hieftje. If you’ve been around Sherriff Goslin Roofing Lansing, you probably also know Ed Hieftje. That’s because there have been three generations of Ed Hieftjes making history for Sherriff Goslin each time they install a roof. For several years now, Ed Hieftje IV has been our branch manager in Lansing; replacing his father Ed Hieftje III who retired after 50 years with the company. But Ed IV is no rookie when it comes to roofing. He began working summers for Sherriff Goslin Roofing at age 18. After graduating from college, like his grandfather Ed Hieftje Jr. who roofed many years for the Battle Creek office, Ed IV began working full-time for Sherriff Goslin Roofing. He learned the business first with a hammer in his hand, and then moved to sales and management. Ed IV was privileged to work until 2010 as assistant branch manager for his father Ed III, a 1952 MSU graduate.
Ed IV loves helping customers solve problems, but also finds time for recreation. He races dirt bikes and plays hockey for fun, and always makes time for his family. His twins (one boy, one girl) are the proudest part of Ed’s heritage. They spend weekends outdoors together up north, and enjoy everything Michigan’s seasons have to offer. For Ed central Michigan is just the right place to live, work and raise his kids. When asked if Ed V will continue the family roofing legacy, Ed IV feels it’s a little soon to tell.